Reducing stress and anxiety helps keep you healthy and promotes longevity. Foods that you can eat to boost stress relief are:
1. Salmon
Contains vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids and other acids with names you can't pronounce that have calming and relaxation properties.
2. Chamomile
Has high amounts of antioxidants for reducing inflamation, depression and anxiety.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that is good for brain health and anxiety disorders. It also reduces inflamation and is an antioxidant.
4. Dark Chocolate
Yum Yum! Dark Chocolate eases anxiety symptoms. It is known to improve blood flow to the brain and acts as an antiioxidant.
5. Yogurt
The probiotics in yogurt are considered 'healthy bacteria' and help promote healthy mental capacity by reducing neurotoxins and radicals that damage nerve tissue in the brain and lead to anxiety.
6. Green Tea
Contains amino acids that promote healthy brain function and reduce anxiety.
“Other foods that may help with anxiety include turkey, bananas, oats, eggs, chia seeds, almonds and blueberries.”
Do your research and use the ingredients, fruits and vegetables shown above to improve brain function, anxiety, stress and depression.